Army ROTC Cadet Enrollment Paperwork
Here you will find all the documents you need in order to participate in the Army ROTC program outside of the classroom setting. Please bring all your documents typed and signed to the first day of class and give them to your instructor. If you click on the document title below, it will open the form so you can type right on the form. You will not be able to save the typed form, so print it before you close it out. If you need any assistance in properly filling out the forms, you should contact the HRA at: 303-492-3158 or email him at
CC Form 139-R: Complete sections 1 through 53 only. Note: The CC Form 139-R is NOT a Contract that obligates the Cadet to a career in the Army. It is the proper registration information that is required for the Cadet to be “loaded” into the ROTC Cadet Command Information System. The information on the 139-R is also used to gather information for the Cadet to Contract and be eligible for benefits. Note: Some versions of Adobe may not work with this form. If you are unable to open the form, please email and we will send you a scanned copy. You will also have an opportunity to complete this form at Orientation.
DA Form 3425-R (Fit to Train form): This form will need to be taken to your family doctors office or to Wal-Greens to get a “sports physical.” You will not be reimbursed for this physical. Without a signature STAMP from the doctor or PA you will NOT be able to conduct any kind of physical training or Labs outside the classroom setting. PRIOR SERVICE CADETS: If you have a military MEPS physical from the USAR, Active duty, or the National Guard that is less than 2 years old we can use the MEPS as a substitute for this Fit to Train form; bring all 8 pages with you.
Dental Form: If you don’t have a dentist, you will need to get one. We need to know where your x-rays are located to be enrolled in our classes.
Army Senior ROTC contract release waiver of liability form: Read this form, fill it out and sign it on page number 2. If you are under 18 you must also have your parents read and sign this form as well. This will then be given to your class instructor for signature.
Transcript request/release form: Follow the instructions on this form and sign it.
CC Form 136-R: Read, fill our your name, print and sign.
CC Form 137-R: Read the form and EITHER 1) grant parental access to your records OR 2) decline access; Do NOT complete both.
In addition to the above forms, we will need a copy of your high school transcripts.